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BFI v3.0.0 (Latest)

  • In this release, the package has been updated to support observational studies for estimating treatment effects (Bayesian Federated Causal Inference).

BFI v2.1.0

  • In this release, the package has been updated to support a (semi-parametric) Cox model with an ‘unspecified’ baseline hazard, maximizing partial log-likelihood.
  • The documentation and examples have been updated.

BFI v2.0.1

CRAN release: 2024-07-04

  • This is a bugfix release to resolve a minor bug in the optim function entries related to the gaussian family.

BFI v2.0.0

  • The package now supports survival data analysis, adding comprehensive tools for time-to-event modeling alongside existing GLM functionalities.
  • The documentation and examples have been updated.

BFI v1.1.4

CRAN release: 2024-04-27

  • The package has been updated to address a few NOTEs identified during the CRAN submission.

BFI v1.1.1

  • The package was prepared for submission to CRAN with minor modifications.

BFI v1.1.0

  • The functions inv.prior.cov() and bfi() were adapted when there is a center specific variable.
  • The function summary() was updated to be used in the case of stratification.
  • The manual pdf was updated in the case of center specific variable.
  • Henceforth the BFI package can be called from Python.
  • A vignette was also added to the package for calling BFI from Python.

BFI v1.0.0

  • In this release, the package website was built using the pkgdown package.
  • Most of the functions were adapted with extra arguments in the case of stratification.
  • The manual pdf was also updated.

BFI v0.6.4

  • The manual pdf was updated.
  • This is also a bugfix release to resolve one minor bug.

BFI v0.6.3

  • In this release, the package was updated so that the outputs of inv.prior.cov() and MAP.estimation() (for different centers) have the same dimensions when intercept=FALSE to be used in bfi().
  • Moreover, one argument in bfi(), i.e., const_var, is added to the package to handle the constant variables.
  • This is a bugfix release to resolve one minor bug as well.

BFI v0.5.2

  • In this release, the summary function (a S3 method for class bfi) was added to the package.
  • A package pdf manual was created for the package.

BFI v0.4.2

  • In this release, the package was updated with several arguments, e.g., an intercept should be fitted or not.
  • A vignette is added to the package as well.

BFI v0.3.2

  • In this release, the package can carry out the stratified analysis.

BFI v0.2.2

  • This is a bugfix release to resolve one minor bug, and add two functions related to building Gamma matrix.
  • Moreover, the package now handles the categorical covariates with more than two levels.