Bayesian Federated Inference
function can be used (on the central server) to combine inference results from separate datasets (without combining the data) to approximate what would have been inferred had the datasets been merged. This function can handle linear, logistic and survival regression models.
bfi(theta_hats = NULL,
family = c("gaussian", "binomial", "survival"),
basehaz = c("weibul", "exp", "gomp", "poly", "pwexp", "unspecified"),
stratified = FALSE,
strat_par = NULL,
center_spec = NULL,
theta_A_polys = NULL,
treat_round = NULL,
for_ATE = NULL,
center_zero_sample = FALSE,
- theta_hats
a list of \(L\) vectors of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimates of the model parameters in the \(L\) centers. These vectors must have equal dimensions. See ‘Details’.
- A_hats
a list of \(L\) minus curvature matrices for \(L\) centers. These matrices must have equal dimensions. See ‘Details’.
- Lambda
a list of \(L+1\) matrices. The \(k^{\th}\) matrix is the chosen inverse variance-covariance matrix of the Gaussian distribution that is used as prior distribution in center \(k\), where \(k=1,2,\ldots,L\). The last matrix is the chosen variance-covariance matrix for the Gaussian prior of the (fictive) combined data set. If
stratified = FALSE
, all \(L+1\) matrices must have equal dimensions. While, ifstratified = TRUE
, the first \(L\) matrices must have equal dimensions and the last matrix should have a different (greater) dimention than the others. See ‘Details’.- family
a character string representing the family name used for the local centers. Can be abbreviated.
- basehaz
a character string representing one of the available baseline hazard functions;
, the default),Gompertz
),exponentiated polynomial
),piecewise exponential
), andunspecified baseline hazard
). It is only used whenfamily = "survival"
. Can be abbreviated. Ifbasehaz = "unspecified"
, it means that a (semi-parametric) Cox model is considered, and the parameters (regression coefficients) are estimated using the partial log-likelihood.- stratified
logical flag for performing the stratified analysis. If
stratified = TRUE
, the parameter(s) selected in thestrat_par
argument are allowed to be different across centers (to deal with heterogeneity across centers), except when the argumentcenter_spec
is notNULL
. Default isstratified = FALSE
. See ‘Details’ and ‘Examples’.- strat_par
an integer vector for indicating the stratification parameter(s). It can be used to deal with heterogeneity due to center-specific parameters. For the
families it is a one- or two-element integer vector so that the values \(1\) and/or \(2\) are/is used to indicate that the “intercept” and/or “sigma2” are allowed to vary, respectively. For the"binomial"
family the length of the vector should be at most one which refers to “intercept”, and the value of this element should be \(1\) (to handel heterogeneity across outcome means). For"gaussian"
this vector can be \(1\) for indicating the “intercept” only (handeling heterogeneity across outcome means), \(2\) for indicating the “sigma2” only (handeling heterogeneity due to nuisance parameter), and \(c(1, 2)\) for both “intercept” and “sigma2”. Whenfamily = "survival"
, this vector can contain any combination of values ranging from 1 to the maximum number of parameters of the baseline hazard function, i.e., \(1\) for"exp"
, \(2\) for"weibul"
,max_order + 1
, andn_intervals
. For example, for"weibul"
could be \(1\), \(2\) or \(c(1, 2)\), where \(1\) represents \(\omega_1\) and \(2\) represents \(\omega_2\). This argument is used only whenstratified = TRUE
andcenter_spec = NULL
. Default isstrat_par = NULL
. See ‘Details’ and ‘Examples’.- center_spec
a vector of \(L\) elements to account for the heterogeneity across centers due to clustering. This argument is used only when
stratified = TRUE
andstrat_par = NULL
. Each element represents a specific feature of the corresponding center. There must be only one specific value or attribute for each center. This vector could be a numeric, characteristic or factor vector. Note that, the order of the centers in the vectorcenter_spec
must be the same as in the list of the argumenttheta_hats
. The used data type in the argumentcenter_spec
must be categorical. Default iscenter_spec = NULL
. See also ‘Details’ and ‘Examples’.- theta_A_polys
a list with \(L\) elements so that each element is the array
(the output of theMAP.estimation
) for the corresponding center. This argument,theta_A_polys
, is only used iffamily = "survival"
andbasehaz = "poly"
. See ‘Details’ and ‘Examples’.- treat_round
a character string representing the
rounds of estimating the treatment effect.- for_ATE
a list of \(L\) vectors of 4 (for
) or 8 (forbinomial
) elements to calculate the treatment effect. These vectors must have equal dimensions. Iftreat_round = "first"
, thenfor_ATE
must beNULL
. Iftreat_round = "second"
, thenfor_ATE
must be a list.- p
an integer representing the number of covariates/coefficients. It can be found from the output of the
). This argument,p
, is only used ifstratified = TRUE
andfamily = "survival"
.- q_ls
a vector with \(L\) elements in which each element is the order (minus 1) of the exponentiated polynomial baseline hazard function for the corresponding center, i.e., each element is the value of
(the output of theMAP.estimation
). This argument,q_ls
, is only used iffamily = "survival"
,family = "survival"
andbasehaz = "poly"
. It can also be a scalar which represents the maximum value of theq_l
's across the centers.- center_zero_sample
logical flag indicating whether the center has a categorical covariate with no observations/individuals in one of the categories. It is used to address heterogeneity across centers due to center-specific covariates. Default is
center_zero_sample = FALSE
. For more detailes see ‘References’.- which_cent_zeros
an integer vector representing the center(s) which has one categorical covariate with no individuals in one of the categories. It is used if
center_zero_sample = TRUE
.- zero_sample_covs
a vector in which each element is a character string representing the categorical covariate that has no samples/observations in one of its categories for the corresponding center. Each element of the vector can be obtained from the output of the
function for the corresponding center,MAP.estimation()$zero_sample_cov
. It is used whencenter_zero_sample = TRUE
.- refer_cats
a vector in which each element is a character string representing the reference category for the corresponding center. Each element of the vector can be obtained from the output of the
function for the corresponding center,MAP.estimation()$refer_cat
. This vector is used whencenter_zero_sample = TRUE
.- zero_cats
a vector in which each element is a character string representing the category with no samples/observations for the corresponding center. Each element of the vector can be obtained from the output of the
function for the corresponding center, i.e.,MAP.estimation()$zero_cat
. It is used whencenter_zero_sample = TRUE
.- lev_no_ref_zeros
a list in which the number of elements equals the length of the
argument. Each element of the list is a vector containing the names of the levels of the categorical covariate that has no samples/observations in one of its categories for the corresponding center. However, the name of the category with no samples and the name of the reference category are excluded from this vector. Each element of the list can be obtained from the output of theMAP.estimation
function, i.e.,MAP.estimation()$lev_no_ref_zero
. This argument is used ifcenter_zero_sample = TRUE
returns a list containing the following components:
- theta_hat
the vector of estimates obtained by combining the inference results from the \(L\) centers with the
methodology. If an intercept was fitted in every center andstratified = FALSE
, there is only one general “intercept” in this vector, while ifstratified = TRUE
andstrat_par = 1
, there are \(L\) different intercepts in the model, for each center one;- A_hat
minus the curvature (or Hessian) matrix obtained by the
method for the combined model. Ifstratified = TRUE
, the dimension of the matrix is always greater than whenstratified = FALSE
;- sd
the vector of (posterior) standard deviation of the estimates in
obtained from the matrix inA_hat
, i.e., the vector equalssqrt(diag(solve(A_hat)))
which equals the square root of the elements at the diagonal of the inverse of theA_hat
matrix.- family
object used;- basehaz
the baseline hazard function used;
- stratified
whether a stratified analysis was done or not;
- strat_par
the stratification parameter(s) used;
the estimates of the treatment effect. Two diffterent estimations ig the family is
, and one estimation if the family issurvival
. For more detailes see ‘References’.
function implements the BFI approach described in the papers Jonker et. al. (2024a), Pazira et. al. (2024) and Jonker et. al. (2024b) given in the references.
The inference results gathered from different (\(L\)) centers are combined, and the BFI estimates of the model parameters and curvature matrix evaluated at that point are returned.
The inference result from each center must be obtained using the MAP.estimation
function separately, and then all of these results (coming from different centers) should be compiled into a list to be used as an input of bfi()
The models in the different centers should be defined in exactly the same way; among others, exactly the same covariates should be included in the models. The parameter vectors should be defined exactly the same, so that the \(L\) vectors and matrices in the input lists theta_hat
's and A_hat
's are defined in the same way (e.g., the covariates need to be included in the models in the same order).
Note that the order of the elements in the lists theta_hats
, A_hats
and Lambda
, must be the same with respect to the centers, so that in every list the element at the \(\ell^{\th}\) position is from the center \(\ell\). This should also be the case for the vector center_spec
If for the locations intercept = FALSE
, the stratified analysis is not possible anymore for the binomial
If stratified = FALSE
, both strat_par
and center_spec
must be NULL
(the defaults), while if stratified = TRUE
only one of the two must be NULL
If stratified = FALSE
and all the \(L+1\) matrices in Lambda
are equal, it is sufficient to give a (list of) one matrix only.
In both cases of the stratified
argument (TRUE
), if only the first \(L\) matrices are equal, the argument Lambda
can be a list of two matrices, so that the fist matrix represents the chosen variance-covariance matrix for local centers and the second one is the chosen matrix for the combined data set.
The last matrix of the list in the argument Lambda
can be built by the function inv.prior.cov()
If the data type used in the argument center_spec
is continuous or categorical with the number of categories equal to the number of centers, one can use stratified = TRUE
and center_spec = NULL
, and set strat_par
not to NULL
(i.e., to \(1\), \(2\) or both \((1, 2)\)). Indeed, in this case, the stratification parameter(s) given in the argument strat_par
are assumed to be different across the centers.
When family = 'survival'
and basehaz = 'poly'
, the arguments theta_hats
and A_hats
should not be provided. Instead, the theta_A_polys
and q_ls
arguments should be defined using the local information, specifically MAP.estimation()$theta_A_poly
and MAP.estimation()$q_l
, respectively. See Example 3 in ‘Examples’.
For estimating the treatment effect, in the first round, treat_round = "first"
, the argument for_ATE
must be NULL
(the default) and the family must be set to binomial
(family is handled automatically.)
Jonker M.A., Pazira H. and Coolen A.C.C. (2024a). Bayesian federated inference for estimating statistical models based on non-shared multicenter data sets, Statistics in Medicine, 43(12): 2421-2438. <>
Pazira H., Massa E., Weijers J.A.M., Coolen A.C.C. and Jonker M.A. (2025b). Bayesian Federated Inference for Survival Models, Journal of Applied Statistics (Accepted). <>
Jonker M.A., Pazira H. and Coolen A.C.C. (2025a). Bayesian Federated Inference for regression models based on non-shared medical center data, Research Synthesis Methods, 1-41. <>
van den Heuvel Z.D., Pazira H. and Jonker M.A. (2025c). Bayesian Federated Causal Inference from observational data, arXiv. <>
Hassan Pazira and Marianne Jonker
Maintainer: Hassan Pazira
## Example 1: y ~ Binomial (L = 2 centers) ##
# Setting a seed for reproducibility
# Data Simulation for Local Center 1 #
n1 <- 30 # sample size of center 1
X1 <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(n1), # continuous variable
x2=sample(0:2, n1, replace=TRUE)) # categorical variable
# make dummy variables
X1x2_1 <- ifelse(X1$x2 == '1', 1, 0)
X1x2_2 <- ifelse(X1$x2 == '2', 1, 0)
X1$x2 <- as.factor(X1$x2)
# regression coefficients
beta <- 1:4 # beta[1] is the intercept
# linear predictor:
eta1 <- beta[1] + X1$x1 * beta[2] + X1x2_1 * beta[3] + X1x2_2 * beta[4]
# inverse of the link function ( g^{-1}(\eta) = \mu ):
mu1 <- binomial()$linkinv(eta1)
y1 <- rbinom(n1, 1, mu1)
# Data Simulation for Local Center 2 #
n2 <- 50 # sample size of center 2
X2 <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(n2), # continuous variable
x2=sample(0:2, n2, replace=TRUE)) # categorical variable
# make dummy variables:
X2x2_1 <- ifelse(X2$x2 == '1', 1, 0)
X2x2_2 <- ifelse(X2$x2 == '2', 1, 0)
X2$x2 <- as.factor(X2$x2)
# linear predictor:
eta2 <- beta[1] + X2$x1 * beta[2] + X2x2_1 * beta[3] + X2x2_2 * beta[4]
# inverse of the link function:
mu2 <- binomial()$linkinv(eta2)
y2 <- rbinom(n2, 1, mu2)
# MAP Estimates at Center 1 #
# Assume the same inverse covariance matrix (Lambda) for both centers:
Lambda <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda = 0.01, family = 'binomial')
fit1 <- MAP.estimation(y1, X1, family = 'binomial', Lambda)
theta_hat1 <- fit1$theta_hat # intercept and coefficient estimates
A_hat1 <- fit1$A_hat # minus the curvature matrix
# MAP Estimates at Center 2 #
fit2 <- MAP.estimation(y2, X2, family='binomial', Lambda)
theta_hat2 <- fit2$theta_hat
A_hat2 <- fit2$A_hat
# BFI at Central Server #
theta_hats <- list(theta_hat1, theta_hat2)
A_hats <- list(A_hat1, A_hat2)
bfi <- bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, Lambda, family='binomial')
#> [1] "bfi"
summary(bfi, cur_mat=TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘binomial’
#> Link: ‘Logit’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> (Intercept) 1.4479 0.8145 -0.1485 3.0444
#> x1 2.4951 0.8978 0.7355 4.2547
#> x21 4.1023 1.6217 0.9239 7.2807
#> x22 2.2199 1.2637 -0.2570 4.6968
#> Dispersion parameter (sigma2): 1
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> (Intercept) x1 x21 x22
#> (Intercept) 3.8045 -2.8450 0.7721 0.8694
#> x1 -2.8450 4.0346 -1.2184 -0.5469
#> x21 0.7721 -1.2184 0.7821 0.0000
#> x22 0.8694 -0.5469 0.0000 0.8794
### Stratified Analysis ###
# By running the following line an error appears because
# when stratified = TRUE, both 'strat_par' and 'center_spec' can not be NULL:
Just4check1 <- try(bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, Lambda, family = 'binomial',
stratified = TRUE), TRUE)
class(Just4check1) # By default, both 'strat_par' and 'center_spec' are NULL!
#> [1] "try-error"
# By running the following line an error appears because when stratified = TRUE,
# last matrix in 'Lambda' should not have the same dim. as the other local matrices:
Just4check2 <- try(bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, Lambda, stratified = TRUE,
strat_par = 1), TRUE)
class(Just4check2) # All matices in Lambda have the same dimension!
#> [1] "try-error"
# Stratified analysis when 'intercept' varies across two centers:
newLam <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda=c(0.1, 0.3), family = 'binomial',
stratified = TRUE, strat_par = 1)
bfi <- bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, list(Lambda, newLam), family = 'binomial',
stratified=TRUE, strat_par=1)
summary(bfi, cur_mat=TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘binomial’
#> Link: ‘Logit’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> (Intercept)_loc1 2.3167 2.5315 -2.6448 7.2783
#> (Intercept)_loc2 1.1865 0.7586 -0.3003 2.6733
#> x1 1.4500 0.7562 -0.0321 2.9322
#> x21 1.9848 1.1901 -0.3479 4.3174
#> x22 1.3621 1.0287 -0.6542 3.3784
#> Dispersion parameter (sigma2): 1
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> (Intercept)_loc1 (Intercept)_loc2 x1 x21 x22
#> (Intercept)_loc1 0.1564 0.0000 0.0028 0.0082 0.0134
#> (Intercept)_loc2 0.0000 3.8380 -2.8478 0.7640 0.8561
#> x1 0.0028 -2.8478 4.3246 -1.2184 -0.5469
#> x21 0.0082 0.7640 -1.2184 1.0721 0.0000
#> x22 0.0134 0.8561 -0.5469 0.0000 1.1694
### Treatment Effect ###
## Example 2: y ~ Gaussian (L = 3 centers) ##
# Setting a seed for reproducibility
p <- 3 # number of coefficients without 'intercept'
theta <- c(1, rep(2, p), 1.5) # reg. coef.s (theta[1] is 'intercept') & 'sigma2' = 1.5
# Data Simulation for Local Center 1 #
n1 <- 30 # sample size of center 1
X1 <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n1 * p), n1, p)) # continuous variables
# linear predictor:
eta1 <- theta[1] + as.matrix(X1)
# inverse of the link function ( g^{-1}(\eta) = \mu ):
mu1 <- gaussian()$linkinv(eta1)
y1 <- rnorm(n1, mu1, sd = sqrt(theta[5]))
# Data Simulation for Local Center 2 #
n2 <- 40 # sample size of center 2
X2 <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n2 * p), n2, p)) # continuous variables
# linear predictor:
eta2 <- theta[1] + as.matrix(X2)
# inverse of the link function:
mu2 <- gaussian()$linkinv(eta2)
y2 <- rnorm(n2, mu2, sd = sqrt(theta[5]))
# Data Simulation for Local Center 3 #
n3 <- 50 # sample size of center 3
X3 <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n3 * p), n3, p)) # continuous variables
# linear predictor:
eta3 <- theta[1] + as.matrix(X3)
# inverse of the link function:
mu3 <- gaussian()$linkinv(eta3)
y3 <- rnorm(n3, mu3, sd = sqrt(theta[5]))
# Inverse Covariance Matrix #
# Creating the inverse covariance matrix for the Gaussian prior distribution:
Lambda <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda = 0.05, family='gaussian') # the same for both centers
# MAP Estimates at Center 1 #
fit1 <- MAP.estimation(y1, X1, family = 'gaussian', Lambda)
theta_hat1 <- fit1$theta_hat # intercept and coefficient estimates
A_hat1 <- fit1$A_hat # minus the curvature matrix
# MAP Estimates at Center 2 #
fit2 <- MAP.estimation(y2, X2, family = 'gaussian', Lambda)
theta_hat2 <- fit2$theta_hat
A_hat2 <- fit2$A_hat
# MAP Estimates at Center 3 #
fit3 <- MAP.estimation(y3, X3, family = 'gaussian', Lambda)
theta_hat3 <- fit3$theta_hat
A_hat3 <- fit3$A_hat
# BFI at Central Server #
A_hats <- list(A_hat1, A_hat2, A_hat3)
theta_hats <- list(theta_hat1, theta_hat2, theta_hat3)
bfi <- bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, Lambda, family = 'gaussian')
summary(bfi, cur_mat=TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘gaussian’
#> Link: ‘identity’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> (Intercept) 0.8666 0.1008 0.6691 1.0641
#> X1 0.9385 0.1010 0.7405 1.1364
#> X2 -0.0077 0.0969 -0.1976 0.1823
#> X3 0.0199 0.1001 -0.1762 0.2161
#> Dispersion parameter (sigma2): 1.177
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> (Intercept) X1 X2 X3 sigma2
#> (Intercept) 103.1370 -1.6100 17.4702 -13.8002 -0.2532
#> X1 -1.6100 98.6784 7.0582 -2.9109 -0.2822
#> X2 17.4702 7.0582 109.9666 -1.7587 0.0094
#> X3 -13.8002 -2.9109 -1.7587 101.7764 -0.0120
#> sigma2 -0.2532 -0.2822 0.0094 -0.0120 240.6151
### Stratified Analysis ###
# Stratified analysis when 'intercept' varies across two centers:
newLam1 <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda = c(0.1,0.3), family = 'gaussian',
stratified = TRUE, strat_par = 1, L = 3)
# 'newLam1' is used as the prior for combined data and
# 'Lambda' is used as the prior for locals
list_newLam1 <- list(Lambda, newLam1)
bfi1 <- bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, list_newLam1, family = 'gaussian',
stratified = TRUE, strat_par = 1)
summary(bfi1, cur_mat = TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘gaussian’
#> Link: ‘identity’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> (Intercept)_loc1 0.7067 0.2132 0.2888 1.1246
#> (Intercept)_loc2 0.9419 0.1681 0.6125 1.2713
#> (Intercept)_loc3 0.8819 0.1539 0.5802 1.1835
#> X1 0.9492 0.1022 0.7490 1.1495
#> X2 -0.0141 0.0973 -0.2048 0.1765
#> X3 0.0276 0.1016 -0.1715 0.2267
#> Dispersion parameter (sigma2): 1.176
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> (Intercept)_loc1 (Intercept)_loc2 (Intercept)_loc3 X1
#> (Intercept)_loc1 22.1366 0.0000 0.0000 3.3627
#> (Intercept)_loc2 0.0000 38.6215 0.0000 -7.1785
#> (Intercept)_loc3 0.0000 0.0000 42.6288 2.2058
#> X1 3.3627 -7.1785 2.2058 98.7284
#> X2 1.1877 9.8374 6.4452 7.0582
#> X3 -1.3802 -13.1667 0.7467 -2.9109
#> sigma2 -0.0723 -0.0929 -0.0880 -0.2822
#> X2 X3 sigma2
#> (Intercept)_loc1 1.1877 -1.3802 -0.0723
#> (Intercept)_loc2 9.8374 -13.1667 -0.0929
#> (Intercept)_loc3 6.4452 0.7467 -0.0880
#> X1 7.0582 -2.9109 -0.2822
#> X2 110.0166 -1.7587 0.0094
#> X3 -1.7587 101.8264 -0.0120
#> sigma2 0.0094 -0.0120 240.8651
# Stratified analysis when 'sigma2' varies across two centers:
newLam2 <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda = c(0.1,0.3), family = 'gaussian',
stratified = TRUE, strat_par = 2, L = 3)
# 'newLam2' is used as the prior for combined data and 'Lambda' is used as the prior for locals
list_newLam2 <- list(Lambda, newLam2)
bfi2 <- bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, list_newLam2, family = 'gaussian',
stratified = TRUE, strat_par=2)
summary(bfi2, cur_mat = TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘gaussian’
#> Link: ‘identity’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> (Intercept) 0.8661 0.1007 0.6687 1.0636
#> X1 0.9380 0.1010 0.7401 1.1359
#> X2 -0.0076 0.0969 -0.1975 0.1823
#> X3 0.0199 0.1001 -0.1763 0.2160
#> sigma2_loc1 1.3559 0.1285 1.1040 1.6079
#> sigma2_loc2 1.0350 0.1115 0.8165 1.2535
#> sigma2_loc3 1.1728 0.0998 0.9772 1.3683
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> (Intercept) X1 X2 X3 sigma2_loc1 sigma2_loc2
#> (Intercept) 103.1870 -1.6100 17.4702 -13.8002 -0.0723 -0.0929
#> X1 -1.6100 98.7284 7.0582 -2.9109 -0.0915 -0.0989
#> X2 17.4702 7.0582 110.0166 -1.7587 0.0081 0.0027
#> X3 -13.8002 -2.9109 -1.7587 101.8264 -0.0110 0.0018
#> sigma2_loc1 -0.0723 -0.0915 0.0081 -0.0110 60.5223 0.0000
#> sigma2_loc2 -0.0929 -0.0989 0.0027 0.0018 0.0000 80.4576
#> sigma2_loc3 -0.0880 -0.0918 -0.0015 -0.0029 0.0000 0.0000
#> sigma2_loc3
#> (Intercept) -0.0880
#> X1 -0.0918
#> X2 -0.0015
#> X3 -0.0029
#> sigma2_loc1 0.0000
#> sigma2_loc2 0.0000
#> sigma2_loc3 100.4852
# Stratified analysis when 'intercept' and 'sigma2' vary across 2 centers:
newLam3 <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda = c(0.1,0.2,0.3), family = 'gaussian',
stratified = TRUE, strat_par = c(1, 2), L = 3)
# 'newLam3' is used as the prior for combined data and 'Lambda' is used as the prior for locals
list_newLam3 <- list(Lambda, newLam3)
bfi3 <- bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, list_newLam3, family = 'gaussian',
stratified = TRUE, strat_par = 1:2)
summary(bfi3, cur_mat = TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘gaussian’
#> Link: ‘identity’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> (Intercept)_loc1 0.7075 0.2130 0.2899 1.1250
#> (Intercept)_loc2 0.9413 0.1596 0.6284 1.2542
#> (Intercept)_loc3 0.8819 0.1533 0.5814 1.1824
#> X1 0.9482 0.1018 0.7486 1.1478
#> X2 -0.0140 0.0941 -0.1985 0.1704
#> X3 0.0275 0.0992 -0.1669 0.2218
#> sigma2_loc1 1.3558 0.1285 1.1038 1.6077
#> sigma2_loc2 1.0351 0.1115 0.8166 1.2536
#> sigma2_loc3 1.1728 0.0998 0.9773 1.3683
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> (Intercept)_loc1 (Intercept)_loc2 (Intercept)_loc3 X1
#> (Intercept)_loc1 22.1366 0.0000 0.0000 3.3627
#> (Intercept)_loc2 0.0000 38.6215 0.0000 -7.1785
#> (Intercept)_loc3 0.0000 0.0000 42.6288 2.2058
#> X1 3.3627 -7.1785 2.2058 98.8284
#> X2 1.1877 9.8374 6.4452 7.0582
#> X3 -1.3802 -13.1667 0.7467 -2.9109
#> sigma2_loc1 -0.0723 0.0000 0.0000 1.1877
#> sigma2_loc2 0.0000 -0.0929 0.0000 9.8374
#> sigma2_loc3 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0880 6.4452
#> X2 X3 sigma2_loc1 sigma2_loc2 sigma2_loc3
#> (Intercept)_loc1 -1.3802 0.0081 -0.0723 0.0000 0.0000
#> (Intercept)_loc2 -13.1667 0.0027 0.0000 -0.0929 0.0000
#> (Intercept)_loc3 0.7467 -0.0015 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0880
#> X1 7.0582 -2.9109 -0.0915 -0.0989 -0.0918
#> X2 110.1166 -1.7587 0.0081 0.0027 -0.0015
#> X3 -1.7587 101.9264 -0.0110 0.0018 -0.0029
#> sigma2_loc1 -0.0915 -0.0110 60.5223 0.0000 0.0000
#> sigma2_loc2 -0.0989 0.0018 0.0000 80.4576 0.0000
#> sigma2_loc3 -0.0918 -0.0029 0.0000 0.0000 100.4852
### Center Specific Covariates ###
# Assume the first and third centers have the same center-specific covariate value
# of 'High', while this value for the second center is 'Low', i.e.,
# center_spec = c('High','Low','High')
newLam4 <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda=c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), family='gaussian',
stratified = TRUE, center_spec = c('High','Low','High'), L = 3)
# 'newLam4' is used as the prior for combined data and 'Lambda' is used as the prior for locals
l_newLam4 <- list(Lambda, newLam4)
bfi4 <- bfi(theta_hats, A_hats, l_newLam4, family = 'gaussian',
stratified = TRUE, center_spec = c('High','Low','High'))
summary(bfi4, cur_mat = TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘gaussian’
#> Link: ‘identity’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> (Intercept)_High 0.8233 0.1251 0.5781 1.0686
#> (Intercept)_Low 0.9412 0.1681 0.6117 1.2706
#> X1 0.9454 0.1020 0.7455 1.1454
#> X2 -0.0116 0.0971 -0.2020 0.1788
#> X3 0.0294 0.1015 -0.1695 0.2283
#> Dispersion parameter (sigma2): 1.176
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> (Intercept)_High (Intercept)_Low X1 X2 X3
#> (Intercept)_High 64.6654 0.0000 5.5685 7.6329 -0.6335
#> (Intercept)_Low 0.0000 38.6215 -7.1785 9.8374 -13.1667
#> X1 5.5685 -7.1785 98.8284 7.0582 -2.9109
#> X2 7.6329 9.8374 7.0582 110.1166 -1.7587
#> X3 -0.6335 -13.1667 -2.9109 -1.7587 101.9264
#> sigma2 -0.1603 -0.0929 -0.2822 0.0094 -0.0120
#> sigma2
#> (Intercept)_High -0.1603
#> (Intercept)_Low -0.0929
#> X1 -0.2822
#> X2 0.0094
#> X3 -0.0120
#> sigma2 240.8651
### Treatment Effect ###
## Example 3: Survival family (L = 2 centers) ##
# Setting a seed for reproducibility
p <- 3
theta <- c(1:4, 5, 6) # regression coefficients (1:4) & omega's (5:6)
# Simulating Survival data for Local Center 1 #
n1 <- 30
X1 <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n1 * p), n1, p)) # continuous (normal) variables
# Simulating survival data ('time' and 'status') from 'Weibull' with
# a predefined censoring rate of 0.3:
y1 <- surv.simulate(Z = list(X1), beta = theta[1:p], a = theta[5], b = theta[6],
u1 = 0.1, cen_rate = 0.3, gen_data_from = "weibul")$D[[1]][, 1:2]
Lambda <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda = c(0.1, 1), family = "survival", basehaz ="poly")
fit1 <- MAP.estimation(y1, X1, family = 'survival', Lambda = Lambda, basehaz = "poly")
theta_hat1 <- fit1$theta_hat # coefficient estimates
A_hat1 <- fit1$A_hat # minus the curvature matrix
summary(fit1, cur_mat=TRUE)
#> Summary of the local model:
#> Formula: Survival(time, status) ~ X1 + X2 + X3
#> Family: ‘survival’
#> Baseline: ‘poly’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> X1 0.6589 0.2443 0.1801 1.1378
#> X2 0.8425 0.2128 0.4255 1.2595
#> X3 1.4327 0.2359 0.9704 1.8951
#> omega_0 -1.5158 0.2166 -1.9403 -1.0913
#> omega_1 1.8742 0.3310 1.2255 2.5228
#> omega_2 1.7874 0.5340 0.7408 2.8340
#> log Lik Posterior: -1.275
#> Convergence: 0
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> X1 X2 X3 omega_0 omega_1 omega_2
#> X1 19.9169 -7.9165 -1.8776 2.0008 0.4276 -0.1580
#> X2 -7.9165 26.1009 1.3864 4.1509 0.4604 0.3718
#> X3 -1.8776 1.3864 23.3546 3.4463 -3.3272 -4.4365
#> omega_0 2.0008 4.1509 3.4463 33.5158 9.5086 7.3123
#> omega_1 0.4276 0.4604 -3.3272 9.5086 15.3123 6.5539
#> omega_2 -0.1580 0.3718 -4.4365 7.3123 6.5539 7.3698
fit1$theta_A_poly # Only when family = "survival" and basehaz ="poly"
#> , , 1
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#> X1 NA NA 0.6589476 NA NA NA
#> X2 NA NA 0.8424763 NA NA NA
#> X3 NA NA 1.4327460 NA NA NA
#> omega_0 NA NA -1.5157831 NA NA NA
#> omega_1 NA NA 1.8741816 NA NA NA
#> omega_2 NA NA 1.7874313 NA NA NA
#> , , 2
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#> omega_0 NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> omega_1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> omega_2 NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> , , 3
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#> omega_0 NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> omega_1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> omega_2 NA NA NA NA NA NA
#> , , 4
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#> X1 19.9168965 -7.9165022 -1.877557 2.000794 0.4276326 -0.1580233
#> X2 -7.9165022 26.1009020 1.386382 4.150947 0.4603776 0.3717607
#> X3 -1.8775567 1.3863818 23.354639 3.446257 -3.3271931 -4.4364945
#> omega_0 2.0007944 4.1509475 3.446257 33.515762 9.5086145 7.3122662
#> omega_1 0.4276326 0.4603776 -3.327193 9.508614 15.3122662 6.5539443
#> omega_2 -0.1580233 0.3717607 -4.436494 7.312266 6.5539443 7.3698101
# Simulating Survival data for Local Center 2 #
n2 <- 30
X2 <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n2 * p), n2, p)) # continuous (normal) variables
# Survival simulated data from 'Weibull' with a predefined censoring rate of 0.3:
y2 <- surv.simulate(Z = list(X2), beta = theta[1:p], a = theta[5], b = theta[6], u1 = 0.1,
cen_rate = 0.3, gen_data_from = "weibul")$D[[1]][, 1:2]
fit2 <- MAP.estimation(y2, X2, family = 'survival', Lambda = Lambda, basehaz = "poly")
theta_hat2 <- fit2$theta_hat
A_hat2 <- fit2$A_hat
summary(fit2, cur_mat=TRUE)
#> Summary of the local model:
#> Formula: Survival(time, status) ~ X1 + X2 + X3
#> Family: ‘survival’
#> Baseline: ‘poly’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> X1 0.5961 0.2320 0.1414 1.0509
#> X2 0.4218 0.1837 0.0618 0.7817
#> X3 1.2563 0.2362 0.7934 1.7192
#> omega_0 -1.0431 0.2075 -1.4497 -0.6365
#> omega_1 2.0875 0.3292 1.4422 2.7328
#> omega_2 -0.1028 0.2806 -0.6528 0.4473
#> log Lik Posterior: -6.197
#> Convergence: 0
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> X1 X2 X3 omega_0 omega_1 omega_2
#> X1 20.3039 1.7314 2.0927 0.5517 -3.0791 -6.2397
#> X2 1.7314 31.2288 4.3588 1.2219 -3.6742 -4.7424
#> X3 2.0927 4.3588 24.5192 7.9651 -2.9422 -8.3513
#> omega_0 0.5517 1.2219 7.9651 33.0430 8.5748 8.9323
#> omega_1 -3.0791 -3.6742 -2.9422 8.5748 16.9323 13.7961
#> omega_2 -6.2397 -4.7424 -8.3513 8.9323 13.7961 26.8460
# BFI at Central Server #
# When family = 'survival' and basehaz = "poly", only 'theta_A_polys'
# should be defined instead of 'theta_hats' and 'A_hats':
theta_A_hats <- list(fit1$theta_A_poly, fit2$theta_A_poly)
qls <- c(fit1$q_l, fit2$q_l)
bfi <- bfi(Lambda = Lambda, family = 'survival', theta_A_polys = theta_A_hats,
basehaz = "poly", q_ls = qls)
summary(bfi, cur_mat=TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘survival’
#> Baseline: ‘poly’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> X1 0.6009 0.1647 0.2781 0.9237
#> X2 0.6306 0.1361 0.3638 0.8974
#> X3 1.2684 0.1645 0.9460 1.5908
#> omega_0 -1.2108 0.1483 -1.5015 -0.9201
#> omega_1 2.2308 0.2386 1.7632 2.6985
#> omega_2 0.1755 0.2470 -0.3087 0.6597
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> X1 X2 X3 omega_0 omega_1 omega_2
#> X1 40.1208 -6.1851 0.2152 2.5525 -2.6515 -6.3977
#> X2 -6.1851 57.2297 5.7451 5.3728 -3.2138 -4.3706
#> X3 0.2152 5.7451 47.7738 11.4113 -6.2694 -12.7878
#> omega_0 2.5525 5.3728 11.4113 65.5588 18.0834 16.2445
#> omega_1 -2.6515 -3.2138 -6.2694 18.0834 31.2445 20.3501
#> omega_2 -6.3977 -4.3706 -12.7878 16.2445 20.3501 33.2158
### Stratified Analysis ###
# Stratified analysis when first parameter ('omega_0') varies across two centers:
(newLam0 <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda = c(rep(1, 3), 0.3, 0.7, rep(2,2)),
family = 'survival', stratified = TRUE,
basehaz = c("poly"), strat_par = 1, L = 2))
#> X1 X2 X3 omega_0_loc1 omega_0_loc2 omega_1 omega_2
#> X1 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0
#> X2 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0 0
#> X3 0 0 1 0.0 0.0 0 0
#> omega_0_loc1 0 0 0 0.3 0.0 0 0
#> omega_0_loc2 0 0 0 0.0 0.7 0 0
#> omega_1 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 2 0
#> omega_2 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 2
# 'newLam0' is used as the prior for combined data and 'Lambda' is used as for locals:
list_newLam0 <- list(Lambda, newLam0)
bfi0 <- bfi(Lambda = list_newLam0, family = 'survival', theta_A_polys = theta_A_hats,
stratified = TRUE, basehaz = c("poly"), p = 3, q_ls = qls, strat_par = 1)
summary(bfi0, cur_mat = TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘survival’
#> Baseline: ‘poly’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> X1 0.5812 0.1625 0.2627 0.8996
#> X2 0.6168 0.1351 0.3520 0.8816
#> X3 1.2269 0.1628 0.9078 1.5460
#> omega_0_loc1 -1.2097 0.1904 -1.5829 -0.8365
#> omega_0_loc2 -1.1427 0.1958 -1.5264 -0.7590
#> omega_1 2.1174 0.2307 1.6652 2.5696
#> omega_2 0.1988 0.2386 -0.2687 0.6664
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> X1 X2 X3 omega_0_loc1 omega_0_loc2 omega_1
#> X1 41.0208 -6.1851 0.2152 2.0008 0.5517 -2.6515
#> X2 -6.1851 58.1297 5.7451 4.1509 1.2219 -3.2138
#> X3 0.2152 5.7451 48.6738 3.4463 7.9651 -6.2694
#> omega_0_loc1 2.0008 4.1509 3.4463 32.8158 0.0000 9.5086
#> omega_0_loc2 0.5517 1.2219 7.9651 0.0000 32.7430 8.5748
#> omega_1 -2.6515 -3.2138 -6.2694 9.5086 8.5748 32.2445
#> omega_2 -6.3977 -4.3706 -12.7878 7.3123 8.9323 20.3501
#> omega_2
#> X1 -6.3977
#> X2 -4.3706
#> X3 -12.7878
#> omega_0_loc1 7.3123
#> omega_0_loc2 8.9323
#> omega_1 20.3501
#> omega_2 34.2158
# Stratified analysis when the first and second parameters ('omega_0' and 'omega_1')
# vary across two centers:
newLam1 <- inv.prior.cov(X1, lambda = c(rep(1, 3), 0.3, 0.7, 0.5, 0.8, 2),
family = 'survival', stratified = TRUE, basehaz = c("poly"),
strat_par = c(1, 2), L = 2)
# 'newLam1' is used as the prior for combined data:
list_newLam1 <- list(Lambda, newLam1)
bfi1 <- bfi(Lambda = list_newLam1, family = 'survival', theta_A_polys = theta_A_hats,
stratified = TRUE, basehaz = c("poly"), p = 3, q_ls = qls, strat_par = c(1, 2))
summary(bfi1, cur_mat = TRUE)
#> Summary of the BFI model:
#> Family: ‘survival’
#> Baseline: ‘poly’
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std.Dev CI 2.5% CI 97.5%
#> X1 0.5704 0.1594 0.2579 0.8829
#> X2 0.6066 0.1307 0.3505 0.8627
#> X3 1.2503 0.1471 0.9620 1.5386
#> omega_0_loc1 -1.3203 0.1855 -1.6839 -0.9567
#> omega_0_loc2 -1.1006 0.1792 -1.4518 -0.7493
#> omega_1_loc1 2.4654 0.3023 1.8729 3.0579
#> omega_1_loc2 1.8937 0.3117 1.2828 2.5045
#> omega_2 0.2404 0.2224 -0.1955 0.6764
#> Minus the Curvature Matrix:
#> X1 X2 X3 omega_0_loc1 omega_0_loc2 omega_1_loc1
#> X1 41.0208 -6.1851 0.2152 2.0008 0.5517 0.4276
#> X2 -6.1851 58.1297 5.7451 4.1509 1.2219 0.4604
#> X3 0.2152 5.7451 48.6738 3.4463 7.9651 -3.3272
#> omega_0_loc1 2.0008 3.4463 0.4276 32.8158 0.0000 9.5086
#> omega_0_loc2 0.5517 7.9651 -3.0791 0.0000 32.7430 0.0000
#> omega_1_loc1 4.1509 7.3123 0.4604 9.5086 0.0000 14.8123
#> omega_1_loc2 1.2219 8.9323 -3.6742 0.0000 8.5748 0.0000
#> omega_2 -6.3977 -4.3706 -12.7878 7.3123 8.9323 6.5539
#> omega_1_loc2 omega_2
#> X1 -3.0791 -6.3977
#> X2 -3.6742 -4.3706
#> X3 -2.9422 -12.7878
#> omega_0_loc1 0.0000 -3.3272
#> omega_0_loc2 8.5748 -2.9422
#> omega_1_loc1 0.0000 6.5539
#> omega_1_loc2 16.7323 13.7961
#> omega_2 13.7961 34.2158
### Treatment Effect ###