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Internal BFI functions.


A.l.maker() returns a curvature matrix for each local.

negloglik.theta() returns the negative log-likelihood of regression coefficients and error variance, which can be utilized for optimization purposes.

model.maker() returns the outcome and design matrix, incorporating dummy variables when categorical covariates are present, e.g., by expanding factors to a set of dummy variables and expanding interactions similarly.

optim.survival() is a general-purpose optimization algorithm based on the “L-BFGS-B” method, and returns a vector of estimates for the coefficients and baseline hazard parameters.

ql.LRT() returns an optimal order/degree of the exponentiated polynomial model, obtained by the likelihood ratio test, for the 'cox' family.

lambda.poly() returns the baseline hazard function for the exponentiated polynomial form.

i.basis() creates the integral of the output of basis when ibasis = TRUE. This is also an indicator function between the \(k^{th}\) and \((k+1)^{th}\) time points when ibasis = FALSE.


These functions are not intended for use by users.


Hassan Pazira
Maintainer: Hassan Pazira